Chief Alexander Ajipe Celebrates Easter With Christians

Chief Alexander Ajipe released a statement celebrating the Easter festive period with Christians.

“I rejoice with with Christians on the celebration of this year’s Easter.

As we merry with friends, family and other loved ones for the festivities, we are implored to also remember the essence of Easter which is recognition of the love, sacrifice and suffering Jesus Christ bore for humanity.

We should also be reminded that love and tolerance should live above violence, killings, agitations, and other divisive tendencies.

This Festive season provide us with vital lessons in sacrifice and love, and speak to us about the need to place the common good above common greed. We can, and should, use this season to heal ourselves of all selfish instincts, spirit of division and rabid ethnicism.

We should use this season to strengthen our shared commitment to our dear State, to our God and to our Nation. Let us spare a moment in this blessed season of hope to pray for our State, our Nation and the World at large.

The Election is over and In our collective efforts to progress as a nation, we must all rise above our perceived differences which pit brothers and sisters against themselves. God’s extraordinary act of love for mankind should be cherished, celebrated and sustained

Let me conclude by emphasising that we are reassured of victory by the resurrection power of our Lord Jesus Christ and by the fact that Nigeria remains firmly in the hands of God.

May our good Lord continue to bless and keep you.

Happy Easter

Chief Alexander Ajipe”

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