In a surprising turn of events on Big Brother Naija Season 9, the house witnessed a double eviction, marking the first time two pairs have been eliminated on the same night. The Streeze duo, comprising Mayor Frosh and Toby Forge, and the Flourish duo, comprising DJ Flo and Rhuthee, bid farewell to the BBNaija No Loose Guard house.
As the viewers’ votes were tallied, the bottom three housemates emerged: Rhuthee and DJ Flo of the Flourish pair, Toby Forge and Mayor Frosh of the Streeze pair, and Fairme David and Michky of the Radicals pair. Unfortunately, the Streeze and Flourish pairs received minimum points, sealing their fate.
Unlike previous eviction nights, the Custodians—Wanni and Handi of the WannixHandi pair—had no power to evict a housemate but could save a pair. They chose to save the Beta pair from eviction, leaving the Streeze and Flourish pairs vulnerable.
Tensions escalated during the eviction process, especially between Rhuthee of the Flourish pair and the WannixHandi pair. As Rhuthee exited the house, the twin duo jeered at her, adding drama to the emotional evening.
Big Brother also announced the end of the custodian challenge and scrapped the ballot system for selecting the Head of House. Housemates will now compete in conventional arena games for the coveted position, and Head of House immunity has been reinstated.
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