Laurel Leaf Communications applauds Ondo State Entrepreneurship Agency (ONDEA)

The organizers of Ondo State’s most prestigious awards, Laurel Leaf Communications today applauded the Ondo State Entrepreneurship Agency (ONDEA).

Laurel Leaf Communications which use her annual event, LEAD Awards to recognize and celebrate outstanding individuals and organizations making significant impact on Ondo State, firmly believe that ONDEA, under the leadership of the Special Adviser to the Governor on Entrepreneurship and innovation, Dr. Summy Smart Francis, exemplifies such excellence.

Beyond their dedication to empowering entrepreneurs, ONDEA has been a strong advocate for the LEAD Awards. They served as our major financial sponsor for the 2023 ceremony, demonstrating their commitment to recognizing and celebrating excellence in our state.

Additionally, the Chairman of ONDEA graced the event as a distinguished guest speaker, further strengthening the ties between the two organizations. Since its inception, ONDEA has played a pivotal role in fostering a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem in Ondo State. The agency has empowered countless aspiring entrepreneurs through various initiatives, including:

Business grant programs: providing financial resources to kickstart and grow businesses.
Skill development and training programs.

Equipping entrepreneurs with the necessary knowledge and skills for success.

International exposure opportunities: connecting entrepreneurs with global markets and networks.

These initiatives have demonstrably contributed to Ondo State’s economic growth and job creation. The Laurel Leaf Communications team commends ONDEA’s dedication to empowering entrepreneurs and building a brighter future for our state. We are particularly grateful for the quality leadership and vision of Ondo State Governor Lucky Orimisan Aiyedatiwa.

His Excellency’s strong support for ONDEA is a testament to his commitment to fostering an environment where entrepreneurship can flourish. This collaborative spirit between the Governor’s office, ONDEA, and our agency is exactly what is needed to propel Ondo State towards a brighter economic future.

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We urge all stakeholders to unite in supporting ONDEA’s mission. Laurel Leaf Communications stands ready to collaborate with ONDEA and other stakeholders to further strengthen the entrepreneurial landscape in Ondo State. Together, we can create an environment where entrepreneurs can thrive and contribute to a more prosperous future for all.










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