Arrest Inside Plateau State Bank as Man with Explosive Device Is Apprehended

In a tense encounter that could have escalated into a tragedy, the Nigeria Police Force successfully apprehended a man strapped with an explosive device inside a bank in Plateau State. The incident occurred at a bank in Dadin Kowa town, within the Jos South area, where vigilant security personnel noticed the suspect and took immediate action.

The suspect, who was carrying a Person Borne Improvised Explosive Device (SPBIED), was detected by a sharp-eyed operative, which led to his capture before he could carry out any harmful actions. The police swiftly took the suspect into custody, where he is currently undergoing interrogation.

The quick response of the bank’s security personnel and the subsequent police action averted what could have been a devastating attack. The Plateau State Police Command has commended the vigilance of the bank’s security team and the cooperation of the community members who assisted in the arrest.

This incident has raised concerns about security in public spaces and the potential threats that can arise without warning. The Nigeria Police Force has reassured the public of their commitment to maintaining peace and security, urging citizens to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities.

Further details about the suspect’s motives and whether he has any affiliations with known terrorist groups are yet to be disclosed as investigations continue. The Plateau State Police Command has promised to provide updates as the situation develops.

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