Kemi Adeosun’s Resignation: Time To Treat Leprosy And Leave Ringworm –By Biyi Richard Orilabawaye

Though almost belated, but I commend Mrs Kemi Adeosun for her resignation yesterday as the Finance Minister. The real essence of law is for the betterment of the society. Law is meant for man and not the other way around.

Like her, most of us wouldn’t know that as long as you graduated before 30 years of age, even when you are not resident in the country, you might still need to serve on your return even if you are 100 years old, so long that you wish to take up job with government. What an absurdity!

Lawyers will be in the best position to tell us the intent and sprit of law. What is the motive behind the creation of NYSC by Gowon’s administration? Certainly not to truncate nation building.

Other posers begging for answers are: Does she really have an NYSC exemption letter? She has worked as Commissioner in Ogun state and Minister for almost three years, subjected herself to scrutiny by those saddled with the responsibility: Legislators and security agencies, so, what happened? How did she scale through? That should be a huge indictment of those bodies.

This is not the time for unhelpful hysteria. All over the world, professionals are encouraged to participate in government and nation building. There are slacks and concensus given to them. President Obasanjo had to increase Dr. Ngozi Okonjo- Nweala’s emoluments. Singaporean inimitable leader, Lee Kuan Yew, made several of such concession, and Kennedy did same thing with Henry Kissinger and his young Turks….

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The national assembly should amend that obstructive law NOW! Nigeria suffered enough of brain drain. It’s time to reap the benefits of brain gain through poaching of our Professionals abroad. If truly we need to develop our nation, our laws must be made responsive and dynamic. Nigeria can’t afford to be held hostage by any archaic legal provisions.

Thank you Kemi Adeosun for your beautiful works as Minister in time like this. Endeavour to rectify your record…This is just a bend, not your final destination. Your best is yet to come.

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