The story revolves around an incident at the Dunamis International Gospel Centre in Abuja, where Pastor Paul Enenche called out a woman during a service for allegedly lying while sharing her testimony. The woman claimed to have broken a family curse by becoming the first graduate and earning a law degree from the National Open University Of Nigeria (NOUN), stating she had a “BSc in Law” which led to Pastor Enenche questioning the authenticity of her claim.
The situation escalated when Pastor Enenche, after questioning the woman’s statement and her use of language, asked her to leave the pulpit and admonished the congregation against giving false testimonies. This incident was captured on video and became a topic of discussion on social media, with many people expressing their opinions on the matter.
In the aftermath, there have been calls from the public for Pastor Enenche to apologize to the woman, identified as Barrister Vera Anyim, as it was confirmed that she indeed graduated with a law degree from NOUN. The controversy has sparked a debate on social media about the handling of the situation and the importance of verifying facts before making public accusations.
Here are some reactions from people on social media about the incident with Pastor Enenche and the woman he called a liar:
Philux Ibrahim said on Facebook: “We stand by this woman and the church needs to apologize on the same stage for the embarrassing moment they caused her. Congratulations ma’am.”
Emmanuel Erondu commented: “Congratulations madam. That man of God needs to be sued for public disgrace.”
Ifeanyi Chuks expressed: “Men of God in our country do no wrong… Very annoying as people don’t verify things before jumping into conclusion.”
Ugochi Juliet shared: “It could be stage fright, it’s not everyone can stand the crowd in that church and testify. Again Pastor asking her questions on that altar can make one say another thing self…”
Daniel Onuche wrote: “Dr. Paul Enenche’s ministry needs to publicly apologize to this woman.”
Holuwah Busayomi: “That man needs to apologize to her.”
Sandra Onyekwere: “She should leave that church sharply. What a terrible thing for a so-called man of God to do.”
Juliet Chioma Agu: “Dr. Paul Enenche, you owe her a public apology. She couldn’t express herself quite alright but then you should apologize to her publicly for the public embarrassment.”
Deb Adom: “Please Dunamis International Gospel Centre, you people should tender an apology to this woman please.”
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