Tragic events unfolded on Christmas Eve in Benin City, Edo State, as suspected cultists claimed the lives of Mr. Hilary Odia, a cinematographer and presenter with Independent Television (ITV), along with a vigilante commander named Osasu, and two other individuals in the Oredo Local Government Area.
Reports indicated that the vigilante commander was ambushed and fatally shot in the Iyobosa area, while the other casualties were gunned down in separate incidents at Nekpen-Nekpen and Uwa streets.
According to sources, a clash erupted between the Eiye and Black Axe groups, potentially causing some victims to be caught unintentionally in the crossfire between these rival cult factions.
Although initial reports suggested multiple casualties, a police source indicated that only two fatalities occurred, with another injured individual receiving medical attention at a hospital.
Edo State Police Public Relations Officer, Chidi Nwanbuzor, confirmed the incident, acknowledging the occurrence but stated that comprehensive details were yet to be obtained.
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